Jeu Manga

Major events, 


To 02/11/2024

Every year from September to November, Espace Ados joins forces with Les classiques de la BD
game by offering the Manga Game!
Games to play on site or at home on the theme of your favorite mangas.

An opportunity to please the ever-growing number of readers of comics from the rising sun
and discover a series from the teen section?s manga collection that may be less familiar
to a wider public.

Observation games, word games, labyrinths... be curious and come and have fun!

For young people aged 11 and over, with or without a subscription.


  • Adult
  • Family
  • Litterature
  • For children
  • Tales and games
  • Games


Open from 03 September 2024 to 02 November 2024
LundiNot provided
MardiNot provided
MercrediNot provided
JeudiNot provided
VendrediNot provided
SamediNot provided
DimancheNot provided


Free for all