La Recyclerie de la Scie

Shops and Services, 


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©officedetourismeterroirdecaux (42)
©officedetourismeterroirdecaux (48)
©officedetourismeterroirdecaux (56)
©officedetourismeterroirdecaux (23)

You are sure to find something you'll like among these thousands of items scattered in this former 750 sq m flax mill.
With great bargains to be found: books, records, jewels, clothes, fabric, objects of all kinds!
Also open on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 2.00 to 6.00 pm.

Ratings and quality marks

  • Fashion and accessories
  • Home improvements and DIY
  • DIY and gardening
  • Leisure and culture
  • Facilities


Payment methods

  • CAF vouchers
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash
  • Money transfer



  • Home delivery##Shop withdrawal##CE tarifs##Online sale
  • Animals welcome
  • Groups welcome