Portes ouvertes à l’Unité de Valorisation Energétique des Déchets

Major events, 



Syvedac organizes open days at the Waste-to-Energy Unit in Colombelles
Discover how your household waste is treated and change your view on waste!
The visit takes place in 2 stages: A time of information and playful exchange in our educational space (Who is SYVEDAC? What are its missions? How is our waste treated? A "technical" time dedicated to the Energy Recovery Plant followed by a visit of the plant.
Practical informationVisits are authorized to children from 8 years oldClosed shoes mandatory (type sneakers).Safety instructions to consult HERE
Parking :You come by car : You are in an industrial site, remember to park in reverse for safety reasons.You come by bike : A parking lot is located on the left of the elevator.You come by bus : Line 6a or 6b ? Stop Lazzaro or Colombelles ZA
Duration : about 2h / 2h30
Visits only on registration.
Contact Syvedac at : 02 31 28 40 03 or by mail [email protected]


  • Sustainable development
  • Open doors
  • Visit


Opening on 28 September 2024
Samedi 10h00 à 18h00


Free for all