Impressionist Adventures

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Love art and travelling? Combine your two passions by visiting Normandy, one of the best art destinations France has to offer.

A haven for art lovers of all kinds, our region is unmissable for anyone eager to learn more about Impressionism. Developed in Normandy, Paris and Ile-de-France in the 1860s, artists such as Monet, Renoir and Degas left the studios to paint in the open air with daringly sketchy brushstrokes, skillfully capturing the colours of nature and the ever-changing effects of light.

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Whether you want to feast your eyes on some of the best-loved works in Western art, experience the beauty of the landscapes that inspired the Impressionist painters or you just want to soak up some creative energy, a trip to Normandy is bound to satisfy even the most insatiable art lover!

The Impressionist Adventures website includes everything you need to know ahead of your visit to Normandy, Paris and Ile-de-France, following in the footsteps of the masters of Impressionism. Examining the links between fabulous locations and great artworks, it provides a wealth of detailed information for each site, museums and galleries as well as top tips and inspiration.