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Normandy’s business strategy is structured around sectors of excellence and competitive clusters. The regional structures in place are strong and dynamic, putting the emphasis on developing innovation and research and expanding networks. If you’re a company operating in the equestrian, aeronautical or automotive fields, for example, there’s no doubting you’ll find a sector or a competitive cluster associated with your activity in the Normandy region – consult AD Normandie.


Normandy boasts major human and technical resources in the realm of Research & Development as well as university and medical teaching. It’s noted, for example, for its research centre, the Blood and Brain Institute @ Caen-Normandie, located at the GIP Cyceron and the CHU de Caen (Caen University Hospital).

This is a unique competitive structure working to optimise and strengthen research and innovation in the field of interactions between blood and the brain. The emphasis is on tackling neurovascular problems (strokes, in French accidents vasculaires cérébraux, or AVCs), which present a major, widespread challenge for public health programmes around the world. So, this field has been chosen as the main focus of strategic research at the Caennais-Normand site. In fact, this establishment is looking into this issue in all manner of specific ways, including the likes of neuroinflammation, brain ageing and psychiatry.


The Blood and Brain Institute @Caen-Normandie was created on 1 October 2019 and is now a GIS [Scientific interest group], with, as its founder members, Inserm, the Université Caen Normandie and the CHU Caen Normandie, plus, as financial backers, the Normandy Region, the Bennetot/Matmut Foundation, the Groupama Foundation and the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM). So, neurovascular research in Normandy has been structured to respond to the clinical challenges of the future. Unique in France in its field, the Caen site includes an Inserm unit dedicated to neurovascular pathology (D Vivien) and a neurovascular unit (CHU, E Touzé), the two particularly active in pre-clinical and clinical research.


The Blood and Brain Institute @ Caen-Normandie (BB@C) constitutes a unique research grouping of international standing, demonstrating innovation in its approaches and its organisation.
Bolstered by international recognition, BB@C and l’Unité Inserm – UniCaen PhIND (UMR-S U1237) chose Normandy and organised, back in September 2021 (Pôle de Formation et de Recherche en Santé (PFRS) de l’Université de Caen), the 3rd international congress of the Société Internationale de Fibrinolyse et de Protéolyse (ISFP), and a workshop around the tissue plasminogen activator (PA), ISFP & PA meeting.
The Normandy region has the capacity to host events on an international scale, case proven!