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Normandy may boast breathtaking landscapes, deeply attractive coastlines, a unique heritage and famed white cliffs, but it’s also highly reputed for its gastronomy, which brings much joy to gourmets from France and further afield!


Camembert, teurgoule (an aromatic rice pudding), calvados (apple brandy) and cider count among Normandy’s best-loved specialities. Made thanks to exceptional know-how, these culinary delights are known far beyond the region. but they feature, of course, on menus or in shops around Normandy. Four Normandy cheeses (Livarot, Camembert, Pont L’Evêque and Neufchâtel) have been awarded AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée) accreditation, a guarantee of their exceptional quality.
Whether in search of bistrot-style food or a many-starred restaurant, Normandy offers dinners a wide range of possibilities. While butter, cream and cheese may be the flagships of Normandy food, the region’s seafood also comes high on the list! Note in particular that Normandy is France’s leading region for catching scallops.


As regards locally-made drinks, the region boasts many famous products too. Normandy cider, perry and calvados have an international reputation. Focusing on the calvados made at the Château du Breuil, it has been producer here for 400 years, the distillery offering visitors a unique experience, recalling ancestral know-how, a place where excellence goes hand in hand with serious centuries-old ways.

On the sweet side, try the creamy regional rice pudding, teurgoule, and apple tarts, as well as local specialities such as Mirlitons, rich tarlets, or larmes de Jeanne d’Arc (translated as Joan of Arc’s tears), chocolates created in Rouen in honour of the maid burnt at the stake here.
During your business event in the region, whether lasting a half-day or several days, enjoy the culinary pauses, savouring a taste of our way of living, made in Normandie! Don’t get too distracted by all the delicious food, though!