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The culinary team-building options rustled up by C2laCuisine will enable colleagues to go from feeling like a disparate collection of people to a much more cohesive team that performs better.

Dressage d'une assiette par un chef à l'aide d'un emporte-pièce
preparation of a plate by a chef© Studio Photo JM2

‘‘Help your company or organisation to strengthen bonds between colleagues through fun, playful, generous cooking experiences…’’

Whether run online or in person, our incentive packages are designed to improve communications within your teams, to encourage imagining new ways forward, to optimise coordinating work and to integrate new colleagues into your teams.  

Wishing to respect our clients’ expectations and the places that welcome us, we anticipate everything in advance, down to the last detail, so that our services meet your needs and work smoothly, wherever you may. For instance, we can provide options where no cooking is required or where vegetarians are catered to, we always bear in mind food allergies and we can make choices on products with corporate social responsibility in mind.

‘‘Cooking differently, for those who already cook – Cooking simply, for those who don’t normally cook…’’

Our tailor-made contents can be adapted to your time schedules and your requirements, plus they prove very tasty:

  • Among our services held in person: Virtuoso culinary challenge, a veritable team cookery competition – More traditional-style cookery classes and demonstrations – Masterclasses – Gourmet culinary events
  • Among our online or digital services: Culinary Escape Game FOOD STARS CHALLENGE®, an immersive concept unique in France – Private cookery lessons.

Whether wishing to bring your colleagues closer together or to thank them, opt for C2 la Cuisine, with its team of truly professional cooks geared to hosting culinary events, with many glowing references!

Wherever you may be, the flying pans of C2 la Cuisine will fill you with delight!

Can travel anywhere across France.

For further information, advice or an estimate…


06 85 54 61 01
[email protected]

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