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Since 1967, the caterer Bonnaire Traiteur has been putting its know-how and expertise to the service of its clients in order to create and execute the finest of events. We can organise cocktails with canapés at lunch or for dinner, business lunches, or gala dinners – we will adapt to your requirements. At Bonnaire Traiteur, we believe listening to our clients, advising them and accompanying them through every stage of their event is just as important as our respect for the products we use, the tastiness of our food and our high hygiene standards.

Locaux de Bonnaire
Bonnaire Traiteur

Traiteur Organisateur de Réceptions (TOR), so a caterer set up to organise receptions, our business is to listen to your needs, to respond to them with our suggestions, and to support you during the preparation of your event.

On which, your dedicated project director will help you in your research, suggesting venues that will suit your requirements.

In terms of catering, our chefs de cuisine are passionate and focused on the finest food, ceaselessly dreaming up new culinary harmonies, combining tastes and colours to perfection to delight your tastebuds. Bonnaire Traiteur puts to the fore home-made, small-scale preparations, using fresh local produce as much as possible, rigorously choosing accredited suppliers.

Bonnaire traiteur
Bonnaire Traiteur

For further information, advice or an estimate…

Equipe Bonnaire Traiteur

Contact Bonnaire Traiteur

[email protected]
Tel: +33 (0)2 35 72 51 01


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