Maison des Templiers, boutique d’artisans d’Art

Shops and Services, 


Maison des templiers (2) Commerces Caudebec en Caux Rives en Seine Caux Seien Tourisme
Maison des templiers Commerces Caudebec en Caux Rives en Seine Caux Seine Tourisme

The oldest building in Caudebec-en-Caux, the Maison des Templiers (Templars' House) reopens to the public.
It is home to an exhibition and shop by the association "Artisans d’Art des Templiers" (Templars' Artists and Craftsmen). This group of craftsmen and craftswomen offers knives, ceramic objects, leather objects and jewellery.

Ratings and quality marks

  • Fashion and accessories
  • Home improvements and DIY
  • Facilities


Payment methods

  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash



  • Workshops##Shipping##Repair