Commune de Saint-Sever Calvados

Cultural Heritage, 

Noues de Sienne

Paysage du Bocage Normand – Calvados
G. Wait

the new commune of Noues de Sienne - Saint Sever Calvados, nestled in the Bocage Normand, was born in 2017 from the merger of 9 communes. Endowed with a rich heritage and committed to the art of living, the commune wanted to carry out various projects in line with the departmental label "village de caractère du Calvados". Its efforts were rewarded on December 04 in Bénouville.

Its projects focused on :

Redevelopment of the Place Lebrun in the town center
Development of the square in front of the town hall
A new organization in levels with landscaping, demarcation of pedestrian spaces and parking with a different asphalt mix
Application of a charter for shopfronts and signage, drawn up with the help of the CAUE
3D tour of the abbey church via a digital tablet
Off-season sports activities
Installation of directional and tourist signage and replacement of the interpretation desk on the motte castrale

Ratings and quality marks

  • Village de caractère du Calvados